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Anchor 1
Associate Producer at 1 PXL aka 1st Playable  

September 2023 – Current

A roll with many hats, worked in production, design, and QA, with a focus on prototyping and research. Currently under furlough due to a lack of industry projects available to the studio as a whole.

Associate QA Analyst at Velan Studios  

June 2021 – August 2023

Primarily worked as a QA tester for Knockout City (2021), testing and verifying bugs and issues both in the live game and in the production of future seasons.

Additional work as QA and Narrative support on internal prototypes, and other projects such as Rift Rally and Mario Kart Live.

Editorial Freelance Writer at 

October 2020 - July 2021 was primarily an Esports website, covering a wide variety of video games and video game topics. While the site itself is no longer hosted, articles can be provided upon request.

New York Level Upstate Participant

Summer 2019 & Summer 2020

Level Upstate NY is a competitive incubator program for aspiring game developers to work together with other game developers and industry experts to prepare themselves for working in the larger games industry. It is a by application admission. 

No! Studios Games: Writer & Producer

​November 2018 - August 2020

Currently, I am working with a group of peers from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute on a research game. This game is an experiment in iterative storytelling  in a randomly generated dungeon that is focused around the broad concept of change and movement. 

Green Tree Games, LLC: Voice Production Assistant

​Spring 2019 - Fall 2019

I worked as a liaison between the voice actors and the games team, making sure the voice company had all necessary info and direction, while clearing up any miscommunications. I worked on the creation and maintenance of shared documents, which were mostly used to track voice recordings and line reads. I was also asked to conduct social media research on potential clients and interested parties on both Facebook and Twitter, in anticipation of the games release in the future.  This was particularly relevant due to the game's (Burden of Command) relation and inspiration from the HBO series Band of Brothers.

Technology Counselor : Emagination Tech Camps

​June 19, 2018 - August 4th, 2018


I worked as a Technology Counselor at ETC, teaching kids between ages 10-18 in workshops during the mornings and supervising more traditional camp activities during the evenings. The workshops that I taught were Photoshop, Game Design, Minecraft, and Coding Basics in Python. I worked in the Pennsylvania branch. 

Sales Floor Associate : Target

​June 2017 - August 2017


I worked as a Sales Floor Associate over the summer of 2017, and was offered a continued position that was only turned down due to educational reasons.

Global Game Jam Participant 

Jan 2018 & Jan 2019


In 2017, ​myself and a team worked together to match that years theme, Transmission, and created a game called Cosmo. The game is about a small bee in space who is trying to connect different satellites into the shapes of constellations. The game can be played here: Cosmo

In 2018, a different team came together, and we made a game called A Pun a Day, featuring a single Father trying to connect with his estranged child through the power of puns. It can be played here: A Pun A Day












Click below to download the most recent version of my resume in .docx form.

Last Updated: March 2024

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 

​2016 -  2020 (GPA: 3.72)


Bachelor of Science in Games, Simulation, Arts, and Sciences with a concentration in Writing 

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